Title: Like You Too Author:Haru x3 Fandom:HSJ Pairing: TakaYama Rating: PG Genre: Romance, Fluff Summary: Dunno A/N: Weeee~ Since I have nothing to do, I asked Jen to give me something to write XD.
Title:Love you like you Love Me Author:Haru x3 Fandom:HSB Pairing:TakaNoo Rating:PG Genre:Romance Summary:Inoo is trapped in a cell of love by Takaki. A/N:I suck xD ( Click for weird Takanoo o.o )
Title:Internet Author:Haru x3 Fandom:HS7/Johnny's Junior Pairing:RyuShin Rating:PG Genre:Romance Summary:Shintaro surfs the internet one day. A/N:xD Dunno what I wrote yet again. ( Click for clueless RyuShin )
Title:If you're stressed,I'll help you Author:Haru x3 Fandom:HS7/Johnny's Junior Pairing:RyuShin Rating:PG Genre:Fluff Summary:Ryutaro cracks under pressure from school and work,how can Shintaro help? A/N:New obsession ish RyuShin!XDD